Tuesday, June 3, 2008


N 37° 47.300 W 111° 37.648

Escalante Petrified Forest State Park.
The CacheThe cache is about a 15 minute hike up and 10 minutes down. You hike up a maintained trail then a short walk off the trail. After you have found the cache, PLEASE RETURN TO THE MAIN TRAIL. This is in a fee area. Please do not leave trade items in the cache. Just take a small souvenir and sign the log book. Stop back often to check for other souvenirs.
Please Note
This is a no-trading cache. Just take a small souvenir and sign the log book.
All applicable state park fees and rules apply.
After you have found the cache, PLEASE RETURN TO THE MAIN TRAIL.
A State Park fee is required to access this cache.
This cache is available between sunrise and sunset.
Learn about State Park Passes
Additional Hints ( Decrypt )
Decryption Key
(letter above equals below,
and vice versa)
Vs lbh guvax lbh unir gb pyvzo hc gur pyvss lbh unir tbar gb sne.(Decrypted Hints)

N 37° 45.478 W 111° 34.193
(Off hwy 12 just outside Escalante)
Every location is right off the road, except the cache itself, which really isn't that far. It is sort of sandy and you might require 4WD, but if you don't have it, it really isn't that far of a walk. Takes you to the same as Playboy Point Boulder
The container is normal rubbermaid, but it is covered good so don't get discouraged. Its original contents include:MRE, bandana, seeds, discount cards, nerf thing, blank tape, sharp sticks, log book and pen.
Additional Hints ( Decrypt )
Decryption Key
(letter above equals below,
and vice versa)
1. Lbh jbhyqa'g jnag gb trg ybpxrq va. (pybfr tngr)2. Na Vzcbffvoyr Gerx3. Vs lbh unir n crg pbj ur'yy unir gb jnvg.

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