Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh Yah! Bring it on Lonny!

It's on! C'mon Clint, Garr, Boo, and Pa. We all need to be able to fit in our speedos!!

**Recipe for 6-Pack**

6 Days per Week.....3 x 50 Ab Leg Bike / 3 x 30 Obliques / 3 x 60 seconds Bridge Hold / 3 x 30 Crunches / 3 x 20 Bench Press / 3 x 40 Lat Pulls / 3 x 20 Butterflys / 3 x 12 Tricep Pulls / 3 x 20 Preacher Curls

4 Days per Week.......Treadmill - run 3 miles


Ashlee said...

You're HOT!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow all these images I never needed to see! You guys are scaring or scarring me! JK I'm up for losing 25 pounds but sorry won't be posting pictures, but I'll promise one from Garrett!

Tiffani said...

Is this like family porn? You both look so happy to be doing this!!